Open-Mouthed Learning

The hungry baby birds are expecting their mother’s return. Did you know each bird needs at least 15 worms a day as they grow? On Mother’s Day, my neighbor offered to let us join him on his rounds for monitoring bluebird nests. My children were fascinated. We followed him around on his 40-minute walk to check six nesting boxes. At each box, he would approach carefully, stand safely to the side, and unscrew the front.
2 minutes to read

Hyperbolic Sine

While introducing Hyperbolic Sine to my son last week, he asked a question that surprised me. He wanted to know more of the proof, more of the details behind the process. Until his question, I hadn’t realized that the Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions connect imaginary numbers with logarithms. Mind blown! Perhaps one of my math teachers already explained this to me. But, it didn’t really sink in until my son and I were investigating together.
One minute to read