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Here’s what is working for me right now: doing math in public places.

Homeschoolers don’t need to do all the academics at home. One of my children has built up some fear and anxiety about math. Taking this child into a public place to do math is our key to success. Being away from home means the child is more committed to completing the one hour of study (since getting home is an “event” that involves a car ride.) We’ve been choosing locations that are sufficiently busy to keep behavior polite, but not so busy that they are distracting. I’m pleased with the variety we’ve found.

I was willing to try this after reading Cal Newport’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” His podcast has a post about this same idea: Escape Your Desk

As a homeschooler of multiple children, I have found success in being consistent. Consistent academic hours, consistent academic locations. The willingness to mix things up right now is helping me recognize a new way to build momentum. I’m so pleased with the way this is helping my child remove the mental blocks that say, “I hate doing math.”